We carry the Latest NEW Releases
to Retro Cartridge Games and Consoles,
Handhelds and Retro Modded Handhelds,
Plus all the fun accessories!
We also have Toys, Collectables, Funko POPS, Comic Books, Pokemon Cards, Nintendo Powers, and more!!
Come see our extensive collection!

We offer ONLY the highest possible quality products and
our used games look like NEW.
90-Day Warranty on all Games, Consoles, & Accessories.
Every traded product is thoroughly inspected or repaired before it hits the sales floor.
We have accessories
for new AND old consoles including the rare and strange!

Reminiscing of
the old gaming days?
We have games and consoles going back to the
early cartridge days.
Got old games, consoles, controllers,
and accessories lying around?
Trade your old stuff (even if it's broken) into CASH,
or trade it in towards anything in our store!
All FX stores are high quality
video game stores and repair centers
that are locally owned and operated.